I curate bespoke experiences for each team, taking into consideration your field and focus, rhythm and intensity of work, and the desired impact of the session or event.


I offer:

  • restorative sound baths

  • team building events

  • informational seminars about self-care techniques and mastering relaxation

  • experiential taiji quan (tai chi) or qigong sessions to encourage creativity and productivity

  • series of private session slots in the office for team members who prefer individualized attention

  • classes and workshops at company retreats

Both sound and movement are great tools for calming the mind, dissipating nervous or anxious energy, and consolidating focus in a gentle, positive way. They can also facilitate connection and cooperation between team members, resulting in a happier team functioning at its best.

Treat your team to a sound bath and watch them emerge relaxed and refreshed. Watch your team’s work flow get smoother and more easeful, mirroring the flow of a taiji quan or qigong session.

As a diagnosed attention-deficient, dopamine-seeking, neuro-spicy individual, I am aware of the challenges of others like me who may not be getting the wellness support they need from a corporate environment or within their company’s native structure. High-performing neurodivergent people have often learned to camouflage their struggles, and they themselves might not even be conscious of their neuro-spiciness. Team members in this category in particular often find vital relief from overwhelm and overstimulation by connecting to a meditative mind space and training themselves to release physical and mental tension on command.

Whatever your team’s needs may be, I am ready to work with you to help them perform at their happiest and best. Send me a message below, or book a free 30-min exploratory call here.