Welcome to The Serenity Sanctuary!

Calm and clear your over-active mind, improve sleep, relieve physical, mental and emotional stress, and establish balance, vibrancy and ease as your baseline in life.

This experiential course is a combination and culmination of practices, each working with a different aspect or layer of the being, all contributing to your access and eventual fluency in relaxation. During each weekly session, we’ll explore a different tool from the realms of sound and movement. With the visceral learning and meta-skills gained through this course, you’ll practice stepping into your own personal serenity sanctuary, enabling you to find and feel peace, whenever you choose, regardless of external circumstances.

Each week we address different facets of our beings in order to make holistic and lasting positive shifts. Topics include and are not limited to:

  • Traversing the spectrum between stillness and motion, physically and mentally

  • Honoring your body as your instrument

  • Honoring your body as a receiving vessel or antenna

  • Leveraging ease and play

  • Stepping into the power of choice: relaxing when and how you want

While there are foundational pillars of material for this course, no two sessions are identical. Space is consciously held for organic development and evolution, making each journey distinct and the course highly repeatable.

This course can be done as either a private 1:1 experience, or as small pods of three participants per 4-week course session. Sessions begin on a rolling basis as previous sessions conclude and new pods are formed.

For more information, drop me a message below, or schedule a free 30min exploratory call.