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Tiffany's Private Birthday Sound Bath

  • Private studio near Judkins Park/CD (map)

[This event is for invitees to Tiffany’s private birthday sound bath on Sat Sept 14 only. You know who you are.]

Welcome to Tiffany’s Private Birthday Sound Bath! Please sign up below.

You are invited to immerse yourself in waves of tranquility with this relaxing 90-min sound bath experience. We’ll begin with targeted techniques to calm the physiological stress response and unwind the mind. Next, simply let your brain and body be "bathed" (fully clothed, sorry it’s not that kind of party) in the smooth, undulating waves of sound played live using crystal alchemy singing bowls. This is your opportunity to take a break and nurture yourself while also celebrating Tiffany, who wants her friends and loved ones to be healthy and functioning at their best. Win-win.

Please bring your beautiful beings to the studio at 1pm. We’ll begin as soon as everyone is present and settled in.

Warm socks, cozy layers, and a water bottle are recommended. Eye pillows will be available for all participants if desired.

The studio has limited yoga mats, bolsters, yoga blankets and blocks. Please consider bringing whatever props and gear you may need if you have them. You’re welcome to bring your own blankets, pillows and/or sleeping bags to get extra cozy. If you would like to use the studio equipment, please let me know which items you need in your RSVP below so I can confirm availability and reserve them for you.

Please note the main access to the studio is via a flight of stairs. If you need ADA access, please contact me in advance so that I can arrange it.

The studio is located on private property in the Judkins Park/Central District neighborhood. Location details will be sent out to confirmed attendees.

Go ahead and add yourself to the attendee list here:

Send me questions, concerns, special requests, your best cornbread recipe:

Facilitator bio: Deborah combines her professional backgrounds in health and the arts to offer experiences featuring movement, sound and dance as tools for wellness. As a board certified Chinese medicine practitioner, she believes there is great power in connecting each person back to themselves and to the natural rhythms of the earth.

Sound Bath FAQs

What if I'm not good at meditating or am new to sound baths?

You’re in the right place! Sound baths require no previous experience and are a great learning tool for calming the racing thoughts in your mind and encouraging your body to relax on command. Sometimes it's hard to control the mind with the mind, which is why the physical sensory stimuli of a sound bath can be helpful in reaching a relaxed state. Modern humans have been trained all through life to spring into action and be active on command, but we don’t practice enough intentional relaxation. Sound baths are a perfect way to make conscious relaxation a regular part of your wellness routine.

What are the benefits of a sound bath?

One of the most commonly reported benefits of sound baths is relief from stress and anxiety, which allows for a state of deep relaxation and restoration. Effects can be experienced on the physiological level, like lowering high blood pressure, slowing rapid heart rate, and boosting the immune system, as well as mentally and emotionally, like feeling centered and calm with improved focus and creativity. Some participants may find it spiritually enriching, though the experience is not bound to any specific philosophy or dogma. Some people report that even just 20 min of a sound bath feels as restful and restorative as several hours of quality sleep.

Will your sound bath be like other sound baths I've been to?

There is no universal standard for sound baths, and each sound bath facilitator has their own way of conducting sessions. While the specific proceedings and instruments may differ, a common intention is to provide a supportive container within which participants can deeply relax. Every moment in time is a unique intersection of factors never to be replicated exactly, so each session is unique. All are invited to attend with open minds and open hearts for the best experience.